- To import Cuckoo, you should include the following libs:
- FreePastry-2.1.jar
- jtwitter.jar
- jdom.jar
- jfreechart-1.0.13.jar
- signpost-core-
- jcommon-1.0.16.jar
- commons-codec-1.4.jar
- SIGCOMM Demo Source Code (using Twitter as the cloud server)
- Cuckoo.7z
- Experiment Source Code
- Content Server: ContentServer.7z
- Cuckoo Client (Version 1 - DHT-based Impl): CuckooLight.7z
September 2011
Cuckoo system at Middleware 2011
Poster on OSN partitioning at Middleware 2011
June 2011
Graph sampling at SIMPLEX 2011
August 2010
Demo of Cuckoo system at SIGCOMM 2010
Poster on graph sampling at SIGCOMM 2010
May 2010
Position paper of Cuckoo system at HotPlanet 2010
September 2011
Cuckoo system at Middleware 2011
Poster on OSN partitioning at Middleware 2011
June 2011
Graph sampling at SIMPLEX 2011
August 2010
Demo of Cuckoo system at SIGCOMM 2010
Poster on graph sampling at SIGCOMM 2010
May 2010
Position paper of Cuckoo system at HotPlanet 2010