Technical Program

The First International Workshop on Mobility in the Evolving Internet Architecture (MobiArch 2006)


Sponsored by IEEE COMSOC
In-Cooperation with ACM SIGCOMM and SIGMOBILE

December 1, 2006, San Francisco, California
(in conjunction with IEEE GLOBECOM 2006)

Latest News: MobiArch'06 Proceedings can be found online in ACM Digital Library in the following URL:

Morning (9:00-12:40)

Welcome from Chairs (Slides):  Xiaoming Fu

Keynote speech: Charles E. Perkins (Nokia Research Center)

   Ad Hoc Networks, IETF, and Convergence in Solution Space (Slides) (More information…)

Technical Session: Mobility Optimization, Chair: Rajeev Koodli


Deploying Home Agent Load Sharing in Operational Mobile IPv6 Networks (Slides)

Wolfgang Fritsche (IABG, DE); Ivano Guardini (Telecom Italia Lab, IT)




Signalling Cost Analysis of SINEMO: Seamless End-to-End Network Mobility (Slides)

Abu Ahmed Reaz (University of Oklahoma, US); Pulak Chowdhury (University of Oklahoma, US); Mohammed Atiquzzaman (University of Oklahoma, US); William Ivancic (NASA Glenn Research Center, US)




Optimized FMIPv6 Handover using IEEE 802.21 MIH Services (Slides)

Qazi Mussabbir (Brunel University, UK); Wenbing Yao (Brunel University, UK)


 Morning Break: 11:00-11:10

Technical Session: Higher Layer Issues, Chair: Xiaoming Fu



Towards More Expressive Transport-Layer Interfaces (Slides)

Lars Eggert (NEC Europe Ltd, DE); Wesley Eddy (Verizon / NASA, US)




Application Protocol Design Considerations for a Mobile Internet (Slides)

Joerg Ott (Helsinki University of Technology, FI)

Panel Session:   Mobility for the Internet: Closing the Gap between Research & Deployment


 Hannes Tschofenig (Siemens, DE), Chair (Slides)

Aaron Falk (ISI/USC, US): Reinventing the Internet for Mobility (Slides)

Jari Arkko (Ericsson, FI): Challenges and Opportunities in the Internet Mobility Space (Slides)

Rajeev Koodli (Nokia, US): Mobility and Cross-Layer Design (Slides)

Richard Paine (The Boeing Company, US): Secure Mobile Architecture (SMA) (Slides)

James Kempf (DoCoMo USA Labs, US): Web 2.0 and Mobile Operator Service Offering (Slides)


Lunch Break: 12:40-14:00

Afternoon (14:00-17:00)

Keynote speech: Henning Schulzrinne (Columbia University)

  User Mobility in IEEE 802.11 Networks (Slides) (More information…)

Technical Session: Mobile Network Architectures, Chair: Jari Arkko


CogNet – An Architectural Foundation for Experimental Cognitive Radio Networks within the Future Internet (Slides)

Dipankar Raychaudhuri (Rutgers Univ., US); Narayan Mandayam (WINLAB, Rutgers University, US); Joseph Evans (University of Kansas, US); Benjamin Ewy (University of Kansas, US); Srinivasan Seshan (Carnegie Mellon University, US); Peter Steenkiste (Carnegie Mellon University, US)




MobiSplit: a Scalable Approach to Emerging Mobility Networks (Slides)

Julien Abeille (NEC Europe Ltd, DE); Rui Aguiar (Universidade de Aveiro, PT); Telemaco Melia (NEC Europe Ltd, DE); Patrick Stupar (Telecom Italia Lab, IT); Ignacio Soto (University Carlos III of Madrid, ES)




Mobility Architecture for the Global Internet (Slides)

Phil Roberts (Motorola Labs, US); James Kempf (DoCoMo Labs, US)

Afternoon Break: 15:50-16:00

Technical Session: Security and Privacy, Chair: Aaron Falk


GSABA: A Generic Service Authorization Architecture (Slides)

Florian Kohlmayer (Siemens AG, DE); Rafael Marin (University of Murcia, ES); Hannes Tschofenig (Siemens AG, DE); Pedro Segura (Universidad de Murcia, ES); Rainer Falk (Siemens AG, DE); Antonio Gomez-Skarmeta (University of Murcia, ES); Santiago Zapata (University of Murcia, ES)




HIP Location Privacy Framework (Slides)

Alfredo Matos (Universidade de Aveiro, PT); Justino Santos (Universidade de Aveiro, PT); Joao Girao (NEC Europe Ltd., DE); Marco Liebsch (NEC Europe Ltd, DE); Susana Sargento (Universidade de Aveiro, PT); Rui Aguiar (Universidade de Aveiro, PT)




Protecting Mobile Devices from TCP Flooding Attacks (Slides)

Yogesh Swami (Nokia Research Center, US); Hannes Tschofenig (Siemens AG, DE)


Wrap-Up and End of Workshop