pst-dbicons: Database Icon Macros for LaTeX
(formerly only called dbicons)
This style requires PSTricks.
- The Package Install File, last updated: 25.3.2010:
- The ins file pst-dbicons.ins.
- The Package Source File, last updated: 25.3.2010:
- The dtx file pst-dbicons.dtx.
Just get all files and run "latex pst-dbicons.ins". This creates
"pst-dbicons.sty", and "pst-dbicons.drv". Then run "latex
pst-dbicons.drv" twice to get the documentation.
If this does not work, inform me.
Here are also the compiled files (but, please for installing use the
.dtx file):
- An Example: ER diagram of a geographic database (used for
student's database training in ORACLE):
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