Uni Goettingen Uni GOE IFI DBIS W. May


The FLORID/FloXML Project

(1993-2000, Universität Freiburg)

The initial FLORID (F-LOgic Reasoning In Databases) project has been carried out from 1993 (v1.0) until 2002 (v3.0) in the Databases and Information Systems group at Freiburg University. Florid is a deductive object-oriented database system employing F-Logic as data definition and query language. For further information about F-Logic and Florid, see the Florid homepage at Freiburg University.

With the increasing interest in semistructured data, Florid has been extended for handling semistructured data in the context of Information Integration from the Web:

The experiences with F-Logic and FLORID have been continued in the LoPiX project for XML.

In 2005, Florid (v4.0) started another life, still with its main homepage is located at Freiburg University which (finally?) faded out in the late 200Xs. Among other usages, it was integrated with the DLFlorid Semantic Web environment in a hybrid system for F-Logic rules and OWL reasoning.