Uni Goettingen DBIS

Curriculum Vitae: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang May


Since 1.4.2003:
Associate Professor for Practical Computer Science in the Institute for Informatics at Göttingen University; Database and Information Systems.
Winter Term 2002/2003:
Guest Professor for Practical Computer Science at Göttingen University (on leave from Freiburg University).
December 2001:
Habilitation (venia legendi) in Computer Science.
Scientific Assistant in the Databases and Information Systems group chaired by Prof. Lausen at the Institute of Computer Science/Informatics at Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg.
November 1998:
Dr.rer.nat in Computer Science.
Research Assistant in the Databases and Information Systems group at the Institute of Computer Science/Informatics at Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg.


Scholarship holder in the graduate program "Human and Artificial Intelligence" (Graduiertenkolleg "Menschliche und Maschinelle Intelligenz") of the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, associated with the Databases and Information Systems group at the Institute of Computer Science/Informatics.
February 1995:
Diploma degree rated "mit Auszeichnung" at Universität Karlsruhe (since 2009: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology - KIT).
Diploma thesis: Protokollverifikation in Temporallogik: Evolving Algebras und ein Tableaukalkül (in German).
The diploma-thesis was awarded the "Förderpreis des Forschungszentrums Informatik der Universität Karlsruhe".
October 1989 - February 1995:
Studies in Computer Science/Informatics at Karlsruhe University.
Major Subjects: Logic and Theoretical Foundations, Deductive Systems.
Minor Subject: Mathematics (Complex Analysis/Function Theory).
October 1991 - February 1993: Tutor for student groups in Informatik I-III.
June 1987 - January 1989:
Civil service at a surgical ward in the town hospital in Furtwangen, Germany.
Otto-Hahn-Gymnasium, Furtwangen, Germany
Anne-Frank-Grundschule (elementary school), Furtwangen, Germany.

E-mail:   may@informatik.uni-goettingen.de
Adresse:  Wolfgang May
          Institut für Informatik
          Universität Göttingen
          37083 Göttingen
Telefon:  +49-551-39-14412
Fax:      +49-551-39-18172000
Homepage: http://user.informatik.uni-goettingen.de/~may/